Wisconsin State Senator Devin Lemahieu

Representative Terry Katsma of Oostburg
Reaction to the partial vetoes penned by Governor Evers on the budget sent to him by legislators in Madison came soon after the bill was signed on Wednesday, and fell as expected across party lines. Republicans voiced loud objections to the treatment of their revisions to Wisconsin’s tax laws, while Democrats praised the governor’s moves that partially restored funding levels to public education, housing, infrastructure and other programs.
Republican Senate Majority Leader Devin LeMahieu of Oostburg said that “The Governor’s action today will raise taxes on individual income tax filers making more than $25,520 compared to the plan the legislature approved last week.”
Republican 26th District Assembly Representative Terry Katsma, also of Oostburg, said that Evers’ partial vetoes will now provide less than 6% of the income tax relief intended by the legislature. Katsma said that despite the vetoes, “I remain committed to finding ways to decrease your tax burden and I will continue to fight for you, the people of the 26th Assembly District.
“The Governor’s action today will raise taxes on individual income tax filers making more than $25,520 compared to the plan the legislature approved last week.
“States around the nation are cutting taxes and benefitting from the economic opportunity a competitive tax structure provides. Governor Evers’ partial veto risks allowing Wisconsin to fall behind our competitor states in the Midwest and nationally.
“The State Senate is committed to providing substantial tax relief to all Wisconsin taxpayers and making our tax structure flatter and fairer,”
This is the full response from Representative Terry Katsma:
“Instead of supporting our middle class tax cut, Governor Evers chose to drastically reduce the amount of tax relief available to Wisconsin families.
The Republican Legislature included $3.5 Billion in income tax relief to every Wisconsin taxpayer. Gov. Evers vetoed that tax plan and instead provided only $175 Million in income tax relief to families making less than $36,840 a year. This results in an income tax cut that is less than 6% of our Republican income tax plan.
We put forward a responsible budget that returned taxpayer dollars to you, the taxpayer. Governor Evers thinks it is better to keep your money here in Madison so that he can pay for the items on his liberal wish list. Legislative Republicans think that you know how to best spend your money, not Governor Evers.
I remain committed to finding ways to decrease your tax burden and I will continue to fight for you, the people of the 26th Assembly District.”