After just 6 months on the job, WHBL News has confirmed that Sheboygan’s Human Resources Director has tendered his resignation. Adam Westbrook, who was appointed to the post in January, gave his notice on Wednesday. Westbrook’s resignation comes exactly one week after an open records request was filed with the City Clerk’s office, requesting information about allegations that Westbrook made an unwanted homosexual innuendo toward an underage intern at the city.
City Attorney Charles Adams confirmed that he investigated the allegations, and that after speaking with all parties, could not determine that Westbrook was in violation of any city codes concerning harassment and closed his investigation. Adams told WHBL news that any inference that Westbrook’s resignation had any connection with either the investigation or the filing of an open records request concerning that incident, as we had earlier reported might be the case, were incorrect, and that this was simply “a resignation”.
Westbrook had been recommended after the City of Sheboygan hired the firm Baker Tilly to do a search following Vicky Schneider’s stepping down in June of 2022 following a 6 month leave.
We reached out to Mayor Sorenson last night for comment, but have not yet received a reply.
(Editor’s Note: An earlier version of this story suggested that the investigation by Attorney Adams may have been a factor in Westbrook’s resignation. Attorney Adams’ assertion that this was not the case is part of this revision.)