Sheboygan’s Stephanie H. Weill Center for the Performing Arts is positioned for big changes in the coming year, with a substantial award from the Wisconsin State Building Commission acting as the “seed”. By “substantial”, think $2 million, awarded for what the announcement called “the transformation of the Weill Center”.
Katy Glodosky, the Weill Center’s Executive Director, assures the historic theater’s many supporters and fans that the Weill Center Foundation, which operates the organization, will, as she put it, “continue to preserve and protect the existing Weill Center as you know it today!” The changes will be coming to the several vacant, and currently unusable buildings that it owns adjacent to the theater. Although specifics aren’t ready to be announced, Glodosky said that they look forward to sharing more with the public early next year.
Governor Evers, who’s also the Chair of the State Building Commission, announced a total of $160.8 million for 50 key projects and a host of lesser ones statewide on Tuesday. The grants are targeted at bolstering critical infrastructure and services across key sectors such as health and wellness, economic and workforce development, arts and culture, and public services.
The $2 million awarded to the Weill Center Foundation will act to secure seed funding for the project, which will also involve a public campaign to finance the remainder.