The City of Sheboygan will get a first look at plans developed for the future of its waterfront and marina at tonight’s Common Council meeting, just one of several significant issues to be considered.
The Waterfront and Marina plans, developed over the summer by the Smith Group after public input and planning sessions were conducted, will be formally presented tonight, with those plans now headed for the Public Works Committee. Another project in the agenda, but unlikely to have any discussion, will be the contract to construct a pedestrian bridge over the Sheboygan River…that one is headed for the Transit Commission before formal action.
Two public hearings will be held, first on zoning changes to properties on North 31st Street bordering the St. Nicholas Hospital Campus from Suburban Office to Urban Residential classification. The second hearing is on amendments proposed to the Malibu Apartments project being developed for vacant property along the southside lakeshore. Those changes include increased elevation and relocating the building westward and northward to put more space between it and the beach, resulting in less impact on natural surroundings while also making space for a cul-de-sac on Clara Avenue. Plans also now eliminate a restaurant. Those changes have been recommended for approval later in the meeting.
Several adjustments to Sheboygan’s animal ordinances are up for consideration and recommended adoption. Many of those are largely semantic in nature, but some significant changes include permitting persons other than a police officer to kill an animal at large which either threatens a person with bodily harm, or for humanely dispatch a mortally-wounded animal. Inspections of animal fancier permittees could be backed by a warrant allowing a humane officer, the director of planning and development, or someone they designate to make the inspection.
Tonight’s very busy meeting begins at 6 p.m. at City Hall.