The Sheboygan Common Council has been called to meet as a Committee of the Whole to discuss an apparently serious personnel issue within City government. The meeting, scheduled as a closed session for 5:15 this afternoon, was called – according to the formal announcement – “for consideration of personnel problems or the investigation of charges against specific persons which, if discussed in public, would be likely to have a substantial adverse effect upon the reputation of the person involved in such problems or investigations.” There was no indication of who, or what actions, were being discussed.
A Committee of the Whole meeting is called in order to convene the Council under relaxed rules of debate that allow a more open exchange of views without the urgency of a final vote, and although notes are taken they’re often excluded from the assembly’s minutes. The discussion would provide direction for any action needed by the full Common Council in response.
City Administrator Casey Bradley was approached via email over the weekend for comment, and responded by saying that: “Mr. Zimmermann, this is a personnel matter and not something that I’m able to provide any comments on.”