The Sheboygan Common Council gave approval to plans for developing the former Optenberg Iron Works site into the Malibu Apartments Complex. The decision came despite numerous concerns and objections voiced during the public comment period, the public hearing, and the 30-minute discussion held prior to approval.
Concerns centered mostly around the scope of the project, which several speakers said didn’t match the character of the neighborhood. Concerns over sanitary sewer capacity, lakeshore erosion, parking on City streets and the effect on current beach users were all addressed, even if not necessarily to the satisfaction of the objectors.
During discussion it was noted by the developer that they’d met with the kite-boarding community earlier in the day, a meeting he said was friendly and productive, with many ideas having good potential to be incorporated. As the developer representative told the council, “The last thing we want is upset neighbors. We want to be good neighbors to everyone around us.”
District-2 Alder John Belanger related that during his discussion with the City Engineering Department he was given assurance that no issues were found with parking, shoreline erosion, sewer capacity or otherwise, and ultimately supported the project.
One key selling point may have been that the City could find no way to clean up the heavily-polluted site other than to work with a developer willing to put in the time, effort and money, pointing to the fact that the site has been idle for so long because of this problem.
In the end, the Council voted 5-3 to approve the general development plans.