The Healthcare Center Committee of the Sheboygan County Board takes up proposals to spend nearly $4 million dollars during this Thursday morning’s meeting. The money comes from 7 capital project funding requests being considered for the next five years at the County-owned and operated Rocky Knoll Health Care Center.
One proposal is to build a new boiler and mechanical room that would eliminate the 52-year-old, inefficient steam unit and serve two buildings with a more efficient, low-maintenance system at a price tag of $908,000 to be spent next year. Another proposal requests $313,000 to replace a 22-year-old chiller unit, and to operate the new HVAC some $788,000 will be needed for the control system.
Another $697,568 is being requested to spend on repair and repaving the parking lots over the next five years. Remodeling of the residential building and office spaces would cost another $848,000 and $374,000 respectively.
The total Capital Improvement Requests of $3,928,568 would still need full County Board Approval if given the green light by the committee.