Recent rains have saturated soils, keeping farmers out of the fields and helping grass to outgrow the ability to mow. That’s also keeping National Weather Service hydrologists on alert for flood-related problems.
While Milwaukee had flash flood warnings due to stationary storms on Tuesday, those didn’t materialize in the Sheboygan River basin, sparing nearby lands from receiving even more than their share of water from overflowing banks.
The official river gauge at Esslingen Park reached a peak of 6.99 feet at 4:15 p.m. on Monday, and began to settle slowly to just over 6 feet, considered an “Action Stage” which can cause minor lowland flooding and cover some docks at the Sheboygan riverfront. While everything depends on our less-than-dependable weather, the National Weather Service expects levels to slowly recede through June 5th, and for now that’s about as far ahead as they’re able to project.