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Unemployment data released by the Department of Workforce Development and U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics shows the Sheboygan Area is no exception to overall trends in Wisconsin.
The only dataset adjusted for seasonal trends was in total workforce numbers that showed the Sheboygan Metro Area gaining 100 workers in February compared with the previous month with 63,500 persons employed. That’s 1,100 more than February of ‘23. Only the Racine and Wausau Metro Areas saw declines.
As for the unadjusted unemployment rates, figures for the Sheboygan Metro Area, City of Sheboygan, and Sheboygan County, all show 1/2 of 1 percent increases in the unemployment rate month-over-month. That puts unemployment at 2.5% in the Metro Area, 2.8% in the City of Sheboygan and 2.5% in Sheboygan County. Those figures were largely unchanged from last year – except for a point-two percent increase for the City itself.
Statewide, unemployment rates increased in all 12 metro areas over the month, but compared to a year ago, stayed the same in 8 of the 12.
February unemployment rates increased in all 35 of Wisconsin’s largest cities compared to January, but decreased or stayed the same compared to a year ago in eleven of those.
All 72 counties saw increased unemployment over the month, but decreased or stayed the same in 48 counties compared to a year ago.