A former City of Sheboygan Director of Human Resources has been released into custody in Kaukauna as he awaits trial under conditions of house arrest on federal charges related to child porn and exploitation. Adam Westbrook pled “not guilty” in federal court on February 22nd, and pretrial motions in Westbrook’s case are under a July 1st filing deadline with a Motions Hearing set for July 11th at 10:30 a.m. In the meantime, Westbrook will be held in Kaukauna under house arrest.
Charges allege that he recorded and shared explicit videos of a minor child, later identified as his adopted son. As a condition of his release Westbrook will be allowed contact with the child only as directed by Child Protective Services.
Documents signed on Thursday by Magistrate Judge Stephen Crocker placed Westbrook into supervised release under 24-hour electronic monitoring. He will be restricted from possession or access to electronic devices, and will be confined at all times to the residence except for matters related to his case.