Warmer weather is welcomed by many who were driven indoors by extreme cold and snow earlier this month, but not all results of the warmup are as welcome as others. It has made it easier to remove mountains of snow and rock-hard ice from streets and sidewalks, but it is a trade-off. Warmer air flowing over snow cover forms fog that not only limits visibility, but can also freeze on surfaces still recovering from last week’s sub-zero temperatures, creating black ice in spots, and the Wisconsin DOT’s 511 webpage showed slippery conditions statewide as of early Wednesday morning.
At the same time, the Department of Natural Resources is warning of unsafe ice conditions due to the rapidly changing weather. While many lakes and the bay of Green Bay developed good ice cover in the sub-zero cold, the recent warmup has officials reminding residents that no ice is safe ice. The DNR says that they don’t monitor local ice condition or thickness of the ice, so if you’re planning some hard-water fishing you’re advised to check with local bait shops or fishing clubs for the latest condition reports.