In the US, conviction for major sexual offense crimes means long-term supervision and a lifetime listing on a state and national registry of sex offenders. When an offender is released from prison, the housing arrangements made by the state are published by law, not for additional punishment, but for public awareness and safety of the victims.
That’s the case in the Ozaukee county Town of Belgium where 23-year-old Paul Ziehr III will be housed on Ozaukee County Highway “D” in the Village of Lake Church.
Ziehr was convicted in 2020 of 2nd Degree Sexual Assault of a Child, and completed his sentence on Tuesday. Since he’s on the sex offender registry Ziehr will be on lifetime GPS tracking and 24-hour electronic monitoring. Among other restrictions, he’s prohibited from working or interacting with children under age 16 and must regularly check in with his supervisor.
At the same time, officials warn that Ziehr isn’t to be threatened, intimidated or harassed, and he’s no longer wanted for any crime.