(Editor’s note – after clarification from the School Administration, it was pointed out that this change will not occur until the beginning of the 2024-25 school year. We regret any misunderstanding)
Students attending Sheboygan Area District schools will no longer be given early release every Wednesday. The Board of Education approved the change at last Tuesday’s meeting, opting instead to implement one full day of recess each month. That day will be listed on calendars as Professional Development Day. A release from the School Board said that the move was made after a survey of parents came back with over 70% of them in support.
Under the current calendar, which ends in two weeks, staff had used the early release Wednesday for professional development. While most students no doubt appreciated the early release, some found themselves in a long wait for school buses, and with some families having to adjust their home and work schedules around the release.
As an added benefit, the Sheboygan Area District will be able to eliminate make-up days for snowstorms. Instead, the first such cancellation will be a full day off with any subsequent covered through virtual learning.