Timing couldn’t be better…even if nothing really comes from the coincidence of snow in the forecast on December 1st. Sheboygan’s winter parking rules are now in effect, so in very simple but accurate terms, “Park for tomorrow”. Tomorrow is an even-numbered day, so if you park on a city street that allows parking, park on the even-numbered side tonight. Tomorrow night, park on the odd side in advance of Sunday the 3rd.
Most cities and villages have their own way of handling parking. Plymouth makes it easy; from now through March 15th, no parking from 2 until 6 a.m., with no parking at all during a snow emergency. And in Sheboygan Falls, no parking for more than one hour between 1 and 6 a.m., but that’s in effect year-round. Similar rules apply in most villages, but hours and dates vary so check with your local officials.
As for the chance you’ll need to move snow this weekend, chances look pretty slim for at least the next week with either rain, or a mix of rain and snow accompanying temperatures near or above freezing for the most part.