While the full council still has the final say, several significant items will be discussed at tomorrow afternoon’s meeting of the Sheboygan Public Works Committee.
The first item will be the agreement to replace traffic signals at the South Business Drive – Washington Avenue intersection. The project was initially approved two years ago at a cost just under $38,000 to the City, but increased prices now put the bill at $62,100. The total cost with state and federal funds included comes to $621,000.
Also up for discussion is a similar adjustment to the agreement to update the Highway 23 – Taylor Drive intersection where price increases have more than doubled, moving the cost to the City from the initial $45,600 to $93,600. Again, that’s just 10 percent of the total bill with state and federal funds picking up the remaining 90%.
The next step for a proposed pedestrian/bicycle swing-bridge connecting the South Pier and Riverfront districts also comes up for discussion tomorrow. The Public Works Committee will consider a resolution authorizing application for a RAISE grant from the US Department of Transportation, which will require a match of $1,335,483 in City funds.
Finally, a favorable recommendation is being sought to send plans for a Cleveland Park splash pad to the full council. The low bid of $239,595 from Buteyn-Peterson Construction was one of three received for the project, which would be completed on or before June 1st of next year.