A Plymouth insurance agent has been appointed to a three-year term on the Board of Directors of the Professional Insurance Agents of Wisconsin, Inc. April Tarras of Advantage Insurance Agency in Plymouth was one of seven appointments announced on Friday. Also serving three-year director terms are Luke Strupp of Comparion Insurance Agency in Milwaukee and Ryan Bedroske of MacGillis Insurance Agency in Fredonia.
Officers were also elected, and they include President Lacey Endres of M3 Insurance of Madison, Vice-President Jon Strom of JMS Insurance Services in Fort Atkinson, Treasurer Mike Endres of Endres Insurance Agency in Cross Plains, and Secretary Octavio Padilla of Nova Insurance in West Milwaukee.
PIAW Executive Director Pete Hanson said that the organization was exited to announce the new officers and directors, saying that “These talented individuals bring experience, knowledge, and dedication to the board that will help PIA continue to thrive as a valued resource for agents and the IA Channel.”