Leaves will soon be more common on the ground than on the trees, and in anticipation of the annual ritual of raking and disposing of all that material, the City of Sheboygan has released its plans for leaf collection this fall.
Beginning in just over one week from now, on Monday, October 9th, Sheboygan residents will be allowed to rake leaf piles into the street gutter for easier and faster pickup by City crews. That’s an exception from the norm where City ordinance prohibits placing any debris in the gutter. This exception will run through Friday, November 17th.
With over 200 miles of streets to cover the City has been divided into five zones, one for each day of the week. Although it’s hoped that each zone will be finished on its day, heavier leaf falls might mean a full collection could take longer, and City officials are suggesting ways to help alleviate some of that pressure. Those ways include mulching the leaves into the lawn when cutting grass, providing a natural fertilizer in the process. Residents can also bag leaves and drop them off at the New Jersey Avenue dropoff site.
But if you do put leaves in the street, leave a gap at the curb for water to flow, and don’t mix in branches or other yard waste.