Anyone needing to use the I-43 northbound on and off-ramps at Wisconsin Highway 42 next week will need to use detours in order to bypass a closure needed by the Wisconsin DOT while repairs are done to the asphalt surface of the ramps and roundabout. Southbound I-43 on and off-ramps won’t be affected, but Highway 42 will be interrupted for those continuing south into Sheboygan. The closures begin at 5 a.m. on Monday, June 5, and will remain until 4 p.m. on Friday, June 9.
Traffic normally exiting I-43 northbound at 42 will need to exit onto Highway 23 westbound, then to County Highway “Y” northbound. From there, those wishing to enter Sheboygan on 42 south will exit CTH “Y” at “J”, taking that east to its juncture with 42. Those wishing to continue north on 42 will stay on “Y” until its juncture with 42 between the Town of Sheboygan and Howards Grove.
Due to Highway 42’s closure between “J” / Dairyland Drive and the southbound I-43 ramps, 42 north and southbound traffic will bypass the work zone via Count Highways “J” and “Y”.