Julie Glancey, Commissioner within the Wisconsin Elections Commission and former Sheboygan County Clerk, announced her resignation from the Commission effective on Monday, May 1st, on Friday. Glancey, who was associated with the Democratic Party, was first appointed to the WEC by Republican Governor Scott Walker in 2016. She was most recently appointed to the Commission by Governor Tony Evers, and her term was to expire in 2026.
Glancey, at 72, said that she wanted to allow someone with more recent experience as a clerk to join the Commission. In her resignation message, Glancey said that she was “grateful to have brought my several years of experience as a county clerk to this Commission, but it’s time for me to make way for someone who can bring a fresh perspective.”
Glancey cited her time on the Commission as having done her best to “help improve election administration and ensure that all eligible Wisconsinites can exercise their right to vote.”
Glancey’s successor will be chosen by Governor Evers, who will appoint the new member from a list of Democratic former clerks. The new member will serve the remainder of Glancey’s term.