Election Day is past, but results aren’t official quite yet. Results are certified after boards of canvassers have met to review and confirm all results, and by state law that has to begin no later than 9 a.m. on Tuesday, April 11th.
Sheboygan County will conduct its canvass beginning at that 9:00 a.m. Tuesday deadline, while the City of Sheboygan will convene its Municipal Board of Canvassers at 8:30 on Monday, April 10th. According to the Wisconsin Elections Commission those boards typically involve the county or city clerk and two other people. Since the Clerk is an elected, political office, the other two involved must be of the opposite party. The deadline for submitting results is Friday, April 14th and the Wisconsin Elections Commission then certifies state results no later than Monday, May 15th.
No surprises appear to be in the offing, as the WEC says it found no significant issues affecting this year’s spring election.