A sizable amount of federal money has been granted to Sheboygan County for a program aimed at improving air quality and reducing traffic congestion. Just over 7-hundred-thousand dollars ($703,184) was awarded from the federal Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program for use in completing bicycle lane gap connections on the County Highway “O” Bike Lane Network.
The CMAQ program’s goal is to improve air quality and reduce traffic congestion in Sheboygan and other Wisconsin counties that fall under non-attainment rules for ozone and particulate pollution. It’s due to those same rules that we’re required to test vehicle emissions, and these grant funds are used on projects such as new transit services, rideshare programs and pedestrian and bicycle facilities that help mitigate that pollution.
All but two of the 18 awards that are sharing a total of $24 million are in the Milwaukee Metro area. The other besides Sheboygan County is the Door County Village of Egg Harbor, which will use over $1.7 million to improve traffic flow along State Highway 42 through that popular summer destination.