The take on Wisconsin’s whitetail deer herd has been up 14.4% statewide over 2021’s totals so far according to preliminary figures released Tuesday by the state DNR.
203,295 deer were registered statewide during the 9-day 2022 gun deer season, including 98,397 antlered and 104,898 antlerless deer. Since archery seasons opened on September 17th, hunters have registered 301,540 deer statewide. The antlered harvest was up 14.7% while the antlerless harvest increased 14.1% compared to last year.
As for Sheboygan County, numbers are also up with the 9-day gun deer season yielding a preliminary harvest of 847 antlered and 1,158 antlerless deer, for a total of 2,005. Since the Whitetail Deer season opened on September 17th, 1,434 antlered and 1,611 antlerless deer have made for a total harvest during the fall 2022 season of 3,045 deer in Sheboygan County. Last year a total of 1,379 bucks were harvested in Sheboygan County, while 1,550 antlerless deer were registered for all seasons.
Still to come are the now-commenced Muzzleloader season that ends on December 7, and the December 4-Day Antlerless Only Hunt.