Instances of “mispronouning” by three 8th grade boys at Kiel Middle School has led to action by the conservative legal organization Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty.
According to a letter sent by the legal group to the Kiel Area School District on Thursday, the three boys were charged with sexual harassment under Title IX for using “incorrect pronouns” after being informed that a student’s preferred pronouns were “they/them”; therefore the District’s position appears to be that using an incorrect pronoun automatically constitutes punishable sexual harassment under Title IX.
WILL says that Title IX covers such actions as rape, sexual assault, dating violence, stalking, inappropriate touching, and quid pro quo sexual favors, and that applying Title IX standards to mispronouning is “wholly inappropriate”.
WILL’s letter urges the District to immediately end its investigation, dismiss the complaints, and remove the complaints from the students’ records.