The drought that has gripped Sheboygan County since last Spring has finally abated. The National Weather Service in its latest Drought Information Statement issued late last week says that as of April 28th, Sheboygan County is “no longer having a drought of any kind.”
Conditions had improved from the “Moderate Drought” experienced last spring, to that of “Abnormally Dry” in mid-July last year and had remained there ever since. Winter precipitation was well below normal, but recent spring rains have made up for the past year’s shortages and soil conditions are now back to normal. But the cure to drought has had its own drawbacks.
The USDA’s latest Crop Progress and Condition Report for Wisconsin said topsoil moisture was 66 percent adequate and 25 percent surplus, with the remainder dryer than usual. But cold, wet weather has impacted planting, with spring tillage in Wisconsin 8 percent complete, almost 3 weeks behind last year and 11 days behind the 5-year average.