The Cheese Capital of the World, Plymouth, made for an appropriate venue on National Agriculture Day as Governor Tony Evers on Tuesday signed a bill into law that will help bolster Wisconsin’s dairy exports.
Senate Bill 827, now Wisconsin Act 207, is a follow-up to legislation enacted in December which directed the Department of Ag, Trade, and Consumer Protection to work collaboratively with the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation to increase the value of Wisconsin’s milk and dairy, meat, crop, and other product exports by 25% by June 30, 2026.
The Governor signed the bill at Sartori Cheese in Plymouth, stating that “We’re darn proud to be America’s Dairyland, and I’m glad to be celebrating National Agriculture Day right here in Plymouth – the Cheese Capital of the World…”. The bill signed yesterday allows the DATCP to spend over $880,000 ($883,160) from an existing, unused appropriation intended for rural development loans to be used towards that goal.