In a further display of how far the recent surge of coronavirus-related illness has come…and gone…since the beginning of the year, the seven-day average of new COVID-19 cases in Sheboygan County on March 1, 2022 was 7, equal to that last recorded on July 24, 2021.
Only 10 new cases were confirmed on Tuesday, raising the pandemic total to 29,216. With 14 recoveries, active cases fell by 5 to 566.
Another death was attributed to COVID-19 on Tuesday, this time to a county resident in their 70s. The toll here has now reached 249. Of those, one was between 10 and 19 years old, six were in their 30s, nine were in their 40s, sixteen were in their 50s, forty were in their 60s, sixty-four were in their 70s, and one-hundred-thirteen were at least 80 years old.
Seven more persons needed hospital admissions for treatment of their symptoms since Monday, putting the pandemic patient total at 1,191. Overall hospitalizations fell by two, to 7.
Another 23 persons received their first dose of vaccine, raising that county total to 72,162, or 62.6% of the population. 30 persons received their second dose, raising the total of fully-vaccinatede to 68,911, or 59.8%. 32.0%, or 36,908, have also received boosters, a gain of 43 in the last day.