The number of active cases of COVID-19 in Sheboygan County has been falling each day since last Tuesday’s peak of 753. According to Monday’s twice-weekly report on the pandemic from the Sheboygan County Division of Public Health, that number now stands at 589, 89 fewer than on Friday. That’s the product of 61 new confirmed positives, offset by 150 recoveries. 17,036 cases in all have been logged here during the course of the pandemic.
While the active case numbers fell, other metrics that gauge the track of the coronavirus have taken an opposite tack. Hospitalizations rose by two, to a total of 22 patients now being treated, the second highest total this year. 868 persons in all have needed hospitalization at some time, and with only one additional admission since Friday, it’s apparent that one of those has had to be re-admitted for treatment.
The level of community transmission in Sheboygan County remains high. In the last 7 days, 334.66 persons/100,000 population has experienced a SARS-CoV-2 infection, up from 320.79 on Friday. The percent of tests returning positive over the last 7 days rose to 12.32%, up from 11.87% on Friday.
The number of facility-wide investigations underway in Sheboygan County also rose compared to last week. The number involving skilled long-term care facilities didn’t change. The six skilled such facilities now hosting active investigations are:
- Pine Haven – Giddings
- Pine Haven – Haven
- Plymouth Health Services
- Rocky Knoll
- Sheboygan Health Services
- Sunny Ridge
Two additional educational facilities are now under investigation, with 34 in all now being monitored. Those are:
- Bethlehem Lutheran
- Cedar Grove/Belgium Elementary/Middle
- Cedar Grove/Belgium High
- Early Learning Center
- Early Learning Center-Maywood
- Elkhart Lake/Glenbeulah Elementary/Middle
- Elkhart Lake/Glenbeulah High
- Farnsworth Middle
- Grant Elementary
- Horace Mann Middle
- Howards Grove Elementary
- Howards Grove Middle
- Jackson Elementary
- James Madison Elementary
- Lake Country Academy
- Lincoln Erdman Elementary
- Longfellow Elementary
- Oostburg Elementary
- Oostburg Middle/High
- Pigeon River Elementary
- Plymouth High
- Plymouth Parkview Elementary
- Plymouth Riverview Middle
- Random Lake School District
- Sheboygan Central High
- Sheboygan Falls Elementary
- Sheboygan Falls High
- Sheboygan Falls Middle
- Sheboygan Lutheran High
- Sheboygan North High
- Sheboygan South High
- St. John Lutheran-Plymouth
- Urban Middle
- Wilson Elementary
Vaccination data from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services had not been updated as of 3:30PM on Monday.