25 new confirmed positives for COVID-19 were logged on Wednesday by the Sheboygan County Division of Public Health on the Coronavirus Case Dashboard. Balanced against 67 recoveries, the active case count on Wednesday dropped to 711, 42 fewer than the day before. 16,860 cases in all have now been tracked in Sheboygan County during the pandemic.
19 persons are now hospitalized for treatment of COVID-19 symptoms, up from 16 on Tuesday, as 4 persons were admitted while 1 was discharged. Do date, 860 hospitalizations due to the coronavirus have been required in Sheboygan County.
The level of community transmission in Sheboygan County, while consistently categorized as “high” over the past several months, has been increasing this week. From 250.56 on Monday, the Case Rate increased to 269.64 on Tuesday, and to 332.06 on Wednesday. The Case Rate represents the total number of new cases per 100,000 persons within the last 7 days. The percentage of positive COVID-19 tests during the last 7 days has also been increasing in Sheboygan County this week. Beginning at 10.24% on Monday, that figure rose to 11.38% on Tuesday, and was up to 12.05% on Wednesday.
21 more persons have received their first dose of vaccine since Tuesday, raising to 64,797 the number so administered. That’s 56.2% of the county population. 53.9%, or 62,139, have now been fully vaccinated against the SARS-CoV02 virus, only 7 more than the previous day’s total.