The number of active cases of COVID-19 as reported by the Sheboygan County Division of Public Health in its first bi-weekly update on Monday, fell by more than 10%. The drop of 79 cases to a total of 661 was the product of 140 recoveries outnumbering the 61 confirmed positives recorded since Friday. 16,691 cases in all have been reported during the pandemic in Sheboygan County.
Hospitalizations rose to 18 patients, 3 more than on Friday. 852 persons have been hospitalized so far, only 2 more than on Friday, suggesting that besides 2 new patients, someone had to be re-admitted for treatment.
The level of transmission in Sheboygan County as of Monday was “high”, with a case rate of 250.56, which represents the total number of new cases per 100,000 persons in the last 7 days. The 7-day average of tests returning positive was 10.24%.
The six skilled nursing long-term care facilities now hosting active investigations are:
- Pine Haven – Giddings
- Pine Haven – Haven
- Plymouth Health Services
- Rocky Knoll
- Sheboygan Health Services
- Sunny Ridge
An active investigation of a skilled nursing facility is opened if there is one or more cases of COVID-19 within the facility among either residents or employees. That number is the same as last week. Education settings will be under a facility-wide investigation when there are two or more cases of COVID-19 within a school student, staff or faculty. That number increased by 2 since last week. The 32 education settings now hosting active investigations are:
- Bethlehem Lutheran
- Cedar Grove/Belgium Elementary/Middle
- Cedar Grove/Belgium High
- Early Learning Center
- Early Learning Center-Maywood
- Elkhart Lake/Glenbeulah Elementary/Middle
- Elkhart Lake/Glenbeulah High
- Farnsworth Middle
- Grant Elementary
- Horace Mann Middle
- Howards Grove Elementary
- Jackson Elementary
- James Madison Elementary
- Lake Country Academy
- Lincoln Erdman Elementary
- Longfellow Elementary
- Oostburg Elementary
- Oostburg Middle/High
- Pigeon River Elementary
- Plymouth High
- Plymouth Parkview Elementary
- Plymouth Riverview Middle
- Random Lake School District
- Sheboygan Central High
- Sheboygan Falls Elementary
- Sheboygan Falls High
- Sheboygan Falls Middle
- Sheboygan Lutheran High
- Sheboygan North High
- Sheboygan South High
- Urban Middle
- Wilson Elementary
The Wisconsin Department of Health Services is still awaiting publication of the CDC clinical guidance for Moderna and J&J booster doses. Once published, vaccinators in Wisconsin will be able to begin providing boosters, and the Sheboygan County Division of Public Health will administer those at their Walk-in-Wednesday clinics every Wednesday from 9AM-4PM at the Sheboygan County Health & Human Services building on North 8th Street across from Fountain Park. According to the State DHS, third doses are only recommended for individuals that aare moderately or severely immunocompromised, and others don’t need to consider a booster dose at this time.
545 doses of vaccine were administered in Sheboygan County this past week, the lowest number since the week of December 20, 2020. Since Friday, 71 more persons were given their first dose of vaccine, upping that total to 64,744, or 56.1% of the county population. 62,092 persons, or 53.8%, are now fully immunized, an increase of 75.