Sheboygan County saw a slight uptick in the number of active cases of COVID-19 according to data posted Tuesday on the County’s Coronavirus Case Dashboard.
A gain of 24 active cases was the result of 48 confirmed positives and 24 recoveries since Monday, and the Division of Public Health is now monitoring 725 active cases. In all, 16,568 cases have been recorded here during the pandemic. While one person was admitted for hospital treatment of their symptoms, another three were discharged, and the patient population dropped by two to 12. In all, there have been 840 hospitalizations for COVID-19.
The County Transmission Level remains at “high”, and the Case Rate is increasing with a 7-day average of 319.06 cases per 100,000 persons. The percent positivity rate, however, is going down, with a 7-day average of 9.92% recorded on Tuesday, down from 10.91% on Monday.
44 more persons have received their first dose of vaccine since Monday’s report, raising the number so treated in Sheboygan County to 64,475, or 55.9% of the population. 53.6%, or 61,830, are now fully vaccinated, an increase of 52 since Monday.