Another death in Sheboygan County has been attributed to COVID-19 by the Division of Public Health, raising the toll for the pandemic to 167. The latest casualty occurred to someone in their 60s, the 26th in that age group.
774 active cases are now being monitored, down 1 from yesterday after accounting for the death, along with an equal number (42) of new confirmed cases and recoveries. 16,260 total cases have been recorded here so far.
7 hospital admissions were recorded, bringing that total for the pandemic to 826, while recoveries dropped the patient population to 15 compared with 16 on Tuesday.
According to data from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, the past two weeks saw Sheboygan County have a “very high” case activity level, with a 14-day average burden of 566.7 cases per 100,00 persons, and no significant change in trajectory.
Meanwhile, vaccination rates remain low compared with that seen earlier this year. 55.7% of the county population, or 64,187 persons, had received at least one dose of vaccine as of Wednesday, 76 of those in the last day. 61,665 persons in Sheboygan County have now completed their series of shots, up 58 from Tuesday’s report.