The first death attributed to COVID-19 in Sheboygan County was recorded over the weekend as indicated on the county’s COVID-19 Case Dashboard. In the past, deaths by age were enumerated by the County Division of Public Health, but that information was not included in Monday’s first semi-weekly summary of the pandemic, nor was the death included in the totals supplied in that summary. Additionally, data from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services indicates more confirmed deaths here than does the County DPH. Whereas the County lists 155 deaths on the dashboard as of Monday, one more than on Friday, that number had already been confirmed by State statistics on May 29th. The toll was upped to 156 on August 4th, and to 157 on the 13th where it remains today according to the Wisconsin DHS.
Although active cases fell by 9 since Friday, the number of COVID-19 cases being monitored by the Sheboygan County Division of Public Health remains above 300, with 304 now recorded. This comes as new confirmed cases outnumbered recoveries 96-26 since Thursday. 11 patients were admitted to hospitals for treatment of the disease since Thursday, and after accounting for recoveries, 8 remain in treatment.
Sheboygan County remains at a “high” level of transmission, with an 8.81% test positivity, and a 7-day case rate of 160.4 per 100,000 people.
After receiving complete stats, the Wisconsin DHS now reports 1,152 doses of vaccine were administered in Sheboygan County last week, a decrease of 71 from the previous week. 52.4%, or 60,490 persons, have received at least one dose, while 49.6%, amounting to 57,217, are fully vaccinated.