Sheboygan Area School District
It’s that time of year again…time to register for school. Most districts in Sheboygan County are now registering students for the 2021-22 school year, and the Sheboygan Area School District, the county’s largest, starts their process today (Monday).
Registration for returning students is all-online using the District’s “Skyward Family Access” program. Those new to the district will need to first locate their neighborhood school, then call that school to begin the process. Families of new students will also need to show a birth certificate to verify the birth date and legal name of children being registered, and a recent report card is also helpful.
Immunizations against many diseases are required by Wisconsin law unless an official exemption is supplied, but a COVID vaccination isn’t among the list since those vaccines still haven’t been approved for those under 12 years old.
Information on everything needed for registration is available on the SASD’s registration page here.