(WHBL) – With high school graduation being such a rite-of-passage it’s tempting to let everyone know all the details. But the Better Business Bureau of Wisconsin says that even some of the simplest details can set one up for a fall at the hands of a scammer.
Scammers and hackers are known to surf through social media sites for such hashtags as #ClassOf2021 or other keys that zero in on graduates. And with such postings as a senior picture along with a high school name and graduating year, which are common online security questions, a hacker is often a few steps away from finding your family members, your real name, birth date and even where you live.
The BBB says that what you think is shared with friends can often go global. Recent viral postings of lists that tempt people to give up personal information have included all the cars you’ve owned, favorite athletes and top-10 TV shows, childhood phone numbers, and others used for security questions.
The BBB advises to resist the temptation to play along with these social media plays, and to review your security settings, and consider changing them and the security questions. More information about avoiding social media scams can be found at bbb.org/wisconsin.