After a significant advance was reported on Thursday, the Friday COVID update from the Sheboygan County Division of Public Health showed active cases down by one, with 197 persons now being watched. The 21 new positives were offset by 22 recoveries, and 13,408 in the county have now tested positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus. 134 did not survive their battle. Hospitalizations have been increasing this past week, and Friday added another two patients to a total now at 8. 64 of the 85 test returns received were negative.
Wisconsin recorded over a thousand positive test results for a second consecutive day, with 1,092 such tests returned from a pool of 5,514. 5 more deaths push that toll to 6,672, and there were 88 more hospitalizations recorded. After deaths and discharges are accounted for, a net gain of 4 in the patient population occurred, and 290 are now hospitalized with COVID-19 across the state. 74 of those are in ICU beds, and 377 ventilators are in use.
The weekly facility-wide investigation report from the county DPH lists 14 active investigations this week, two fewer than last week. 2 of those are at long-term care facilities, 1 is at a group housing facility, 4 are at non-healthcare workplaces, and 7 are at education establishments.
The two skilled nursing long-term care facilities were identified as:
- Morningside
- Sunny Ridge
The education settings with active investigations are:
- Horace Mann Middle
- Lincoln Erdman Elementary
- Sheboygan Falls Elementary
- Sheboygan North High
- Sheboygan South High
- Sheridan Elementary
- Wilson Elementary