After spending over a year in states of virtual, mixed, or socially-distanced in-person learning, Sheboygan Area School District students will return to school this fall the way it was before being upended by the coronavirus pandemic.
Parents received a letter from the district on Thursday outlining the post-pandemic plans for education, and also detailing the need for a robust summer school program that aims to help students make up for progress lost due to the COVID restrictions that were put in place.
A slideshow presentation to the School Board earlier this week illustrated where those gaps in achievement played out across the demographics. Most of those data showed losses in reading, but especially in math where Asian, Hispanic and Black student groups showed a reversal in student growth potential compared with the White student demographic. Summer school will concentrate on remediation of those gaps, but enrichments classes are also offered, and there will still be some virtual offerings.
The letter also emphasized that each student will be assessed at the beginning of the new school year, and that information will be used to plan instruction specifically for that child.
If you’d like to view the slideshow, click here.