It was one year ago – Friday, March 13th of 2020 – that the global coronavirus pandemic that was declared just one day before was officially announced as being present in Sheboygan County; but the arrival of the virus was actually around a week earlier. That’s when a funeral was held that involved three persons who had traveled internationally and brought the virus back with them, prompting concern that community spread could already have begun, which of course, it had.
The spread would begin slowly, with a case or two added every few days, but it didn’t take long to exert its full effect on the county.
The first death would be reported on April 1st, the victim – a resident of Sunny Ridge where an outbreak would result in several more deaths and start the first facility-wide investigation to trace contacts and isolate those with the virus.
Fast forward to the present when Thursday’s update from the Sheboygan County Division of Public Health reported 13,024 total cases so far, and a death toll of 133.