Although there’s no state environmental review requirement for projects of its kind, a basic environmental review IS required by the federal government as the City of Sheboygan has applied for funding through the Safe Drinking Water Loan Program. The project being funded centers mostly around replacing lead service lines throughout Sheboygan. Those pipes could leach lead into drinking water and threaten health, and their replacement is an ongoing process. State administrators of the loan program have determined that there’s no significant adverse effect tied to the operation and no further environmental review or analysis is needed before going ahead. But in order to satisfy federal requirements, both written and oral public comments are being solicited on any potential environmental impacts that might result, and the deadline to receive comments is March 15th.
Written or verbal comments are encouraged. Provide comments by mail to Kevin Olson, Community Financial Assistance, Department of Natural Resources, CF/2 101 S. Webster St. P.O. Box 7921, Madison WI 53707, by phone at 608-234-2238 or email Kevin.Olson@wisconsin.