SHEBOYGAN, WI (WHBL) – At least 1535 person in Sheboygan County have received vaccinations against COVID-19 as of Friday afternoon, as the pace of vaccinations begins to pick up. This past Thursday saw the highest number of vaccinations in a single day so far, with 326 reported to the State DHS.
Sheboygan County is only vaccinating those designated for Phase 1A of at this time, and the County DPH has no timeline concerning Phase 1B operations, pointing to the many variables that make it impossible to set a date at this time.
The State of Wisconsin, in the meantime, has officially activated Part B of the Pharmacy Partnership for Long-Term Care program, which will vaccinate residents of Wisconsin assisted living facilities.
Wisconsin has received over 373,000 doses of vaccine and so far has administered more than 213 thousand of them.