(WHBL) – Wisconsin’s online dashboard, where millions track COVID-19 figures from across the state, will go dark until Tuesday morning.
The Wisconsin Electronic Disease Surveillance System (WEDSS) is undergoing system improvements over the weekend. It will cause an outage of COVID-19 reporting.
The upgrade will improve contact tracing tools, will automate some data entry, and will improve security features.
The system will be shut down and DHS COVID-19 webpages will not be updated until the upgrade is complete. The shutdown affects data collection and contact tracing but not the reporting of test results.
The outage began on Friday at 5pm, and is expected to last through the weekend.
WEDSS says the updates should go live on Monday, October 19, although most of those changes will be available to health officials around the state who are reporting updates on their caseloads.
The new visualizations will be available to the public on Tuesday, October 20.