by Kevin Zimmermann
SHEBOYGAN, WI (WHBL) – When a case of COVID-19 is detected in a Sheboygan County school, a sort of battle call goes out. The County Division of Public Health and school nurses quickly go to work to discover possible contacts with the infected person, and rooms where the confirmed positive case visited are cleaned and disinfected. Meanwhile, anyone who had contact with the confirmed case is instructed to quarantine at home for 14 days after exposure and to get tested. That’s been a frequent exercise in the past few weeks, and the latest incidents in Sheboygan prompted that action twice on Wednesday.
Urban Middle School families were informed that a positive COVID-19 case was discovered there in Cohort “B.” The person was last in the building on Friday, October 2nd.
Also, Jackson Elementary School families were told that two positive COVID-19 cases were discovered there, one which was in the building on October 1st, the other on the 2nd.
Any school in Sheboygan County that hosts an active investigation by the County DPH is listed in the weekly Facility-Wide Investigation report issued each Thursday afternoon. Last week a list of 18 schools was issued even as two more schools reported cases too late to make the report. This afternoon’s list will be released at around 2 PM.