by Kevin Zimmermann
SHEBOYGAN, WI (WHBL) – It’s not an authoritative order or ordinance, but because of the surge in COVID-19 being experienced in Sheboygan County, a Public Health Emergency Alert was issued Tuesday by a partnership that including the Sheboygan County Division of Public Health, the City of Sheboygan and major county healthcare providers. The message was joined by the Sheboygan County Chamber of Commerce and Sheboygan County Economic Development Corporation.
As of Tuesday, October 6th, the New York Times listed Sheboygan County as Number-2 in the United States for the fastest growing number of cases in a metro area within the past week. In order to keep businesses, schools and the economy open and keep our health care infrastructure intact, people are being urged to take actions now to stop uncontrolled community spread.
Of special concern was the increase of over 51% in case trajectory over the previous two weeks by the end of September, and the fact that Public Health could only reach around 43% of confirmed cases within 24 hours of receiving test results.
The measures being requested of county residents are nothing new, but rather the same recommendations issued at the beginning of the pandemic, namely:
● Physically distance at least 6 feet from people with whom you do not live.
● Wear a cloth face mask, unless unable to wear one for medical reasons.
● Wash your hands frequently with soap and water or use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
● Indoors, do not gather with people outside of your household.
● Outdoors, limit gatherings to 10 people or fewer, physically distance and wear face coverings.
● Self-monitor for symptoms of COVID-19 for 14 days after return from travel.
● If symptomatic, get a test and stay home while awaiting results.
● Cooperate with public health officials if you have tested positive or are a close contact.
Also, businesses and community organizations should use WEDC guidelines, and encourage remote work when possible to support physical distancing. Retail, hospitality and restaurant/bar businesses should limit person-to-person contact and encourage curbside pickup. Masks and face coverings should be required. The Emergency Alert is asking that indoor gatherings should not be held, and outdoor gatherings should be limited to 10 or fewer people while using physical distancing and face coverings. Also, concerts, festivals and sporting events should not be held at this time.