by Kevin Zimmermann
SHEBOYGAN, WI (WHBL) – In a letter to families on Friday, Sheboygan Area School District Superintendent Seth Harvatine said that about one-quarter of district students are currently enrolled in virtual learning.
The letter was a “thank-you” to families, in which Harvatine expressed his gratitude and appreciation for support as the district began a school year unlike any other we have experienced. As a result of that support and cooperation, the superintendent said that things have started even better than expected.
The superintendent also said that it’s important that families do their part to keep illness out of the schools, and that all family members be kept at home if any one of them becomes ill. A so-called “decision tree” has been developed to help make those decisions and plans for all-virtual learning should be in place should quarantine be needed.
The SASD “Decision Tree” is available at: https://www.sheboygancounty.