by Kevin Zimmermann
SHEBOYGAN, WI (WHBL) – Significant increases in COVID-19 statistics were noted in Thursday’s report from the Sheboygan County Division of Health Services. The daily count of new cases nearly tripled from 15 on Wednesday to 43 now. The percent positive of all test returns multiplied from just under 5% Wednesday to almost 14% Thursday. Also, the number of educational facilities hosting active investigations went from 5 on last week’s roster, to 10 as of Thursday’s issue of the weekly facility investigations report. The total number of county residents experiencing COVID-19 is now 1,348. 137 – over 10% of all cases here so far – are now active. Of those, 8 are hospitalized. 18 more persons have recovered since Wednesday, and the death toll remains 14, four of those this past week alone.
Within Wisconsin, 2,034 more persons were added as having tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 24-hours – now totaling 94,746. The positive return rate rose to 17.8%, putting the running 7-day average at 14.3%. Three more persons succumbed to the disease – raising the death toll to 1,231, and 68 more entered the hospital for treatment. 347 persons in all are hospitalized with COVID-19, and 148 persons are hospitalized but still awaiting their test results. 103 coronavirus patients are in the ICU, and 355 people are on ventilators.
The 10 aforementioned educational facilities comprise almost half of the 21 active investigations underway now in Sheboygan County.
Those learning facilities are:
Lakeland University
Sheboygan North High School
Parkview Elementary (Plymouth)
Bethlehem Lutheran School
Sheboygan South High School
Longfellow Elementary School
Elkhart Lake-Glenbeulah High School
Sheboygan Falls Middle School
Howards Grove High School
Kohler High School
An active investigation means that contact tracing is being done to see who may have been exposed, sick individuals will be isolated and those who have been exposed will be quarantined. An investigations will be launched in an educational facility if there are one or more cases of COVID-19 within a school student, staff or faculty. The investigation remains open until two maximum incubation periods have passed since the last possible exposure to a COVID-19 case in the facility without any new cases. For COVID-19, two maximum incubation periods are 28 days.
Four long-term care facilities are being investigated: Pine Haven-Haven Drive Campus, Rocky Knoll, Morningside Health Services and Sunny Ridge Nursing & Rehabilitation Center.
Six workplace investigations are underway, and one group housing facility is being investigated.