by Kevin Zimmermann
SHEBOYGAN, WI (WHBL) – At least 10 persons have asked to address the Sheboygan County Board when it meets Tuesday evening. The point of concern: Ordinance #3 which deals with enforcement of public health orders and provides legislative oversight.
When the ordinance was introduced in August it generated sharp debate among the public and prompted demonstrations outside the Sheboygan County Courthouse by those who claimed that it would allow for such things as forced vaccinations, and place enforcement into the hands of the Sheboygan County Health Department, bypassing the police and sheriffs departments.
County Administrator Adam Payne responded in a release, saying that the ordinance actually softens authority already given to the County Public Health Officer in current state statutes, and introduces checks and balances with oversight by the county board.
The public outcry did prompt changes in the proposed measure. The modified ordinance will be discussed among board members, and Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Deidre Martinez and Public Health Officer Starrlene Grossman will also be speaking.