Just the other day, a video surfaced of a woman on campus complaining about how there are “too many white people” in the facility.
The unidentified woman went on to claim that white people have plenty of places where they are welcome on campus, whereas minority students have very few places where they are welcome.
Thus, the woman claims that white people should not be in the Multicultural Student Center.
Now, first of all, there should not be any buildings that are opened based on peoples’ immutable characteristics.
Immutable characteristics, such as the color of one’s skin, are not how people should be viewed. Rather, all people should be viewed as individuals, based on their character and actions.
Second of all, this leftist activist on the University of Virginia campus is promoting segregation. Sadly, she had a group of people around her who appeared to be cheering her on as she spoke.
This woman is claiming that members of the UVA community should be admitted/refused entry into a building on their public college campus, strictly based on ‘if they have the right skin color or not.’
That is segregation, a disgusting practice that many of us hoped was a thing of the past in the United States.
This country is not a racist country. The overwhelming majority of people in this country are good, non-bigoted people.
However, there are still incidents of racist individuals/groups throughout the political spectrum and throughout the racial spectrum.
If we want to do away with the remaining racism in this country, we cannot promote the collective judging, rewarding, and/or hindering of groups of people, strictly based on the color of their skin.
The woman in this video likely believes that she is fighting racism, but she most certainly is not. Rather, she is engaging in truly racist behavior. Shame on her for doing so.