by Kevin Zimmermann
SHEBOYGAN, WI (WHBL) – The number of active coronavirus cases in Sheboygan County continues a decline that began over the holiday weekend that began with 107 cases of COVID-19. That number is now down to 84, as 11 persons recovered amid a new 8 positive test returns. With 335 tests coming back altogether, that’s a positive rate of just under 2.4%. Hospitalizations bounced back up to 9, one more than Wednesday. 1,202 county residents in all have experienced an infection during the pandemic that began back in March.
The largest Sheboygan County demographic experiencing COVID-19 remains those in their 20s, where 268 cases – or about 22% – have occurred. The lowest number is that of children up through age 9, who account for 28 cases.
Wisconsin added another 1,547 cases in the last 24-hours, that out of 8,822 total tested for a positive rate of 17.5%. That pushes the 7-day average to 13.4%. That figure, which the state would like to see under 5%, has been steadily increasing since 8.4% was recorded one week ago. Ten more persons died, raising the state death toll to 1,193. 49 more persons entered hospitals for treatment, making for a COVID patient population in Wisconsin of 302 persons, 86 of whom are in the ICU. Another 142 persons are hospitalized and awaiting test results, and 380 persons are now on ventilators to assist breathing.
Eighteen active investigations that include contact tracing and testing are underway at various facilities in Sheboygan County. That’s up 4 from last week’s report that’s issued each Thursday.
Five investigations are underway at education settings and 4 of those were identified in the weekly report from the Sheboygan County Division of Public Health. Lakeland University, Sheboygan North High School, Parkview Elementary School and Bethlehem Lutheran School are currently being investigated. When announcing the policy involving reports of COVID outbreaks at educational institutions, the County DPH noted that they will not specify whether the cases were to staff or students, nor would grade levels be indicated.
Six facilities being investigated are long-term care facilities and 4 of those were identified as: Pine Haven-Haven Drive Campus, Rocky Knoll, Sheboygan Health Services and Morningside Health Services.
One group housing facility, five non-healthcare workplaces and one “other” setting are also being investigated for cases of coronavirus.
The daily report from County DPH also included information for anyone needing meals while either quarantined or isolating and awaiting test results. Meals on Wheels will provide meals that are made from ingredients grown in their gardens and flash-frozen, then delivered in bulk once per week by a masked volunteer who will call ahead, and then make a no-contact delivery to the doorstep. Meals are delivered between either 10 AM and noon or between 12:30 and 2:30 PM Monday, Wednesday or Friday. The cost is $6.50 per meal with a minimum delivery of three meals per week. All of Sheboygan County is served, and meals can be ordered by calling 451-7011. All details were supplied in the daily COVID-19 update published at