Daniel A. Peterson is Sheboygan’s new 3rd District Alderman. Peterson was selected by the Common Council to fill the remainder of the term of Amanda Salazar, which expires in April of next year. Salazar moved out of the City, making her position available.
Peterson was elected after each of six candidates made their case before those assembled for Monday’s meeting. Peterson, currently the Director of the Woman’s Imaging Center for Aurora – Sheboygan, told the meeting that he has “fallen in love with this community” in his address, adding that: “I stand before you as a medical professional. I’m not a seasoned politician; I’m not a master of eloquence. But therein, I believe, lies my strength. I have always thrived on challenges, constantly embracing opportunities to learn. And despite my lack of experience in City Government, I have sat on countless professional committees, task forces, and boards, and I firmly believe that my profession brings something equally valuable to the table: ambition, empathy, analytical and independent thinking, and a collaborative spirit.”
Peterson was sworn in immediately after his election and he just as quickly went to work as the Council proceeded to take care of monthly business.