Two aircraft, likely military due to the controlled airspace they occupy, are tracked by the website “flightaware” over Lake Michigan on Wednesday. Image courtesy of FlightAware (flightaware.com)
The roar of jet aircraft that you may not even be able to see has already been heard over Sheboygan County, as a Russian-made MIG Fighter paired with an American military jet made circles over Sheboygan County on Wednesday morning. There’s no need to worry, though, as the two left their base over Volk Field in western Wisconsin, and at tens of thousands of feet altitude made use of controlled airspace over Lake Michigan in practice exercises. They will be officially engaged in what’s called the “Northern Lightning Counterland Training Exercise” based in the midwest, this year from August 7-18.
Northern Lightning is one of seven Air National Guard joint accredited exercises held at Combat Readiness Training Centers in the US.
Colonel Matthew Eakins, commander of Volk Field, said that the goal is to provide tailored, cost effective, and realistic combat training for participating units in a joint and multinational environment. He said the specific exercise scenario focuses on opposed air interdiction against a highly integrated air defense network composed of relevant surface-to-air and air-to-air threats.
Active duty and reserve Air Force, National Guard, Marine and Navy units from Arizona, Florida, Ohio, Minnesota, Virginia and Wisconsin, along with international partners will participate, involving more than a thousand participants and 60 aircraft.
Because much of Lake Michigan is airspace controlled for such use up to 50,000 feet, the public can expect to hear, if not see, those jets as they travel from Volk Field near Camp Douglas to the Lake and conduct their exercises. Activity can be expected between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. daily.
Anyone with inquiries, or complaints about noise related to Northern Lightning, is asked to call 608-427-1260.