Sheboygan Water Utility
It now appears certain that those served by the Sheboygan Water Utility will be paying more for their water in the not-too-distant future.
During the most recent meeting of the Board of Water Commissioners, Superintendent Joe Trueblood reviewed the financial planning tool used by the Utility to estimate future revenues needed to offset ongoing and project costs. Until now, one missing number needed for that tool to work was a reasonable estimate of the costs to construct and operate the new Raw Water Intake and associated improvements for the plant that supplies water to Sheboygan, Sheboygan Falls and Kohler. With firmer figures on funds for that approximately $41 million project now in hand, Trueblood told commissioners that upcoming revenue increases will be needed to offset major new debt, expenses, and payments in lieu of taxes associated with the project. He said that it’s likely that several cycles of bi-annual increases will be needed to grow water revenues to offset the new expenses.
No rate increases are being proposed right now, and whatever increases are requested in the future will first need approval of the Wisconsin Public Service Commission before they can be implemented.